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Sunday 5 February 2012

Did You Know this About French?

  • French language is Known as Romance language which actually came from ancient Latin .
  • French is the only language after English which is being taught in most of the countries in the world and it is the second largest spoken language in the world after English with more than 110 million students across the world.
  • French is a working language of United nations and European Union and most of the other international organizations.
  • Six European countries like France, Belgium, Romania, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco and two of the G-8 countries like France and Canada are French speaking countries.
  • French was about to become the main language for international communication in 17th century but English has taken its place now.
  • Francophonie is the phenomenon of speaking French.
  • Most of the popular book in English were originally written in French or written by any French author.
  • Many English words are originated from French

1 comment:

  1. french is the mother tongue of more than 75 million people..
